See the Important Dates page and the additional resources here for more information.
See the Important Dates page and the additional resources here for more information.
February Updates
It’s a couple of months before the show and Road Trip
is taking shape nicely!
Costumes are ordered, prop design is well underway, Picture Day is right around the corner and Show Session rehearsals will start in just a few short weeks. We are excited about another great show and are looking forward to the upcoming weeks of rehearsals and preparation.
We will continue to use this web site to keep you updated about plans and important information related to the show. In this second major release of information you will see that we have information on Picture Day, the Show Session Rehearsal Schedule and several other items. The information is available as individual articles in the menus above and bundled below for convenience. Be sure to look over all of the information carefully. This information will be kept as up-to-date as possible so check back often.
Dates to Remember
Picture Day:Saturday, March 1, 2025
Ice Show: 2nd Information Bundle (L2S Skaters)
The information presented below is our second information release for the RFSC 2025
Ice Show. All items are also available under the menus above. They are bundled here for your convenience.
This information is for Learn2Skate skaters. Contract skaters should see Contract Ice Show Page.
Information Packets
All skaters will receive an information packet at Picture Day on March 1.
The packet contains important materials for Road Trip. This will include your skater badge, 12 general admission tickets to use or sell and other information. If you don't make it to Picture Day, be sure to pick up your packet in the RFSC office in early March.
Many Learn2Skate costumes will be available by picture day, but not all. This depends on supplier availability for certain styles and sizes.
We will be distributing costumes by Show Number. The costume committee will be in touch with you regarding costume distribution at the Rec Center. For example, we will be contacting all Future Stars families in one communication, all L2S Tuesday in one communication, etc.
Tights for Learn2Skate costumes will be provided along with your costume.
Stuff everyone needs to know . . .
Costumes are not custom made to your child's measurements. Be sure to try them on right away. Any alterations of costumes are the skater’s responsibility. BEFORE MAKING ANY ALTERATIONS TO COSTUMES, PLEASE DISCUSS WITH THE COSTUME COMMITTEE.
Skaters should not play or skate in their costumes before the show.
Questions concerning costumes should be directed to Amanda Mikhail Email Amanda Mikhail.
All cast members in Road Trip
participate in Picture Day. Individual pictures of skaters will be featured near the front of the program. The show order pages will list the full cast for each number (read on for details).
What to expect at Picture Day on March 1
The layout for photos in the Road Trip
show program will be similar to last year.
Program Pictures
Soloists and featured seniors will have full body pictures and are asked to wear their costume, tights and their skates. Please have your skates cleaned and clear of any scuffs if possible.
All other skaters will have individual headshots.
Personal Pictures
In addition to the program picture, everyone is welcome to have a full body picture taken that they can purchase online if they wish.
Be sure to wear your skates for these pictures. This is also a good time to spiff them up. They will look better for the pictures and for the show.
Be prepared
Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled picture time. You should have received an email with the Picture Day schedule and specific day-of instructions.
All Skaters must have plastic skate guards to protect the Rec Center floor . . . and your skates.
Please Note: Due to the number of skaters and photos involved in picture day, we cannot use outside photos in the program for any reason.
Help Us Plan the Day
Please select a time slot for your pictures at
Signup Genius. Select a time-slot for each skater. This time-slot will include your headshot for the program and full body shot to purchase. Please sign up by Saturday, February 22
Questions concerning pictures should be directed to:
For the convenience of families with skaters in both groups, this page contains information for both contract and Learn2Skate skaters.
All Skaters
To maintain continuity for the show and to be fair to all skaters we enforce the following policies for rehearsal attendance:
Attendance is taken at all rehearsals.
Skaters may not miss more than one rehearsal per number during the show session. This includes rehearsals scheduled on Monday and Tuesday of show week. All skaters must be present for Wednesday and Thursday show week rehearsals.
While any off-ice sessions scheduled are required for all skaters in those numbers, it does not count toward the one allowed miss.
Arriving to rehearsal 10 minutes late or leaving rehearsal 10 minutes early counts as half a miss.
Attendance is required for both father and daughter at the mandatory rehearsal and all show week rehearsals.
Future Stars, Learn2Skate & Explorers
All L2S rehearsals are 30 minutes in length, with the exception of Explorers rehearsals which are 45 minutes. Check the Cast List and Rehearsal Schedule for your group and time.
Contract Skaters
Please check the Rehearsal Schedule carefully for your rehearsal times. Note the off-ice rehearsals where indicated.
If your rehearsal time is not your regularly scheduled contracted ice, you may want to reschedule your freestyle ice. You will be charged for the rehearsal ice if it is in addition to what you have already contracted.
Skaters will not be billed for show week ice.
Skaters are charged for solo and feature rehearsal lessons through their coaches.
Grad feature and freestyle group rehearsal lessons are covered by the show.
Father/Daughter Skaters (Contract skaters only)
Attendance is required for both father and daughter at the mandatory rehearsal and all show week rehearsals.
Group numbers have been assigned a volunteer Show Number Parent. If there is any need for the coach, costume committee, etc. to get a message to the group, the show number parent will be contacted and he/she will contact the rest of the group with the information.
To wish your skater good luck or send a nice message, be sure to purchase a personal ad in the Road Trip
Ice Show Program
Personal Ads
Personal ads are available to all skaters in several styles and two sizes: six to a page and three to a page. One-sixth page personal ads are $30 with a photo and $20 without. One-third page ads with a photo are $55.
Style samples and Order Forms are available in the Personal Ad Order Packet. Samples will also be available in the RFSC office.
Please complete and return the Order Form, along with payment by Friday, March 14 to ensure your spot in the program.
New this year: Return your completed Order Form by Friday, March 7 to get last year's pricing ($5 discount).
Custom Senior Ads
Custom personal ads may be ordered for graduating senior skaters. For details, contact:
Orders, along with payment must be submitted by Friday, February 28 to ensure your spot in the program.
How to order
All orders should be submitted with payment in full by their respective due dates. Place orders and payment for Personal Ads and Custom Senior Ads in the folder marked Personal and Senior Ads in the RFSC office.
Senior ads are due Friday, February 28 Personal ads are due Friday, March 14 ($5 discount if returned by Friday, March 7)
For more information or to deliver electronic artwork, contact
Please Read Carefully as some information has changed since last year
Ticket Prices
in advance
at the door
Students (ages 5-17)
in advance
at the door
Seniors (age 65+)
in advance
at the door
Skaters in the show
and children under 5
Ticket Sales: Discounted pre-show sales
Tickets may be purchased at the ticket tables from 5pm to 8pm during the Wednesday or Thursday (April 23 and 24) Show Week Rehearsals, during office hours at the RFSC office, at Hunt Drug (Silver Lake) and from our RFSC Online Store. Please note . . .
There will NOT be any ticket sales during the Monday or Tuesday Show Week rehearsals.
RFSC Online Store ticket sales ends Sunday, April 20, 2025. Tickets purchased online will be available for pickup at the ticket tables during the Wednesday and Thursday Show Week rehearsals. If you want tickets to distribute before then, please use one of the other options.
Each family may purchase up to TWO Ice Show three-Day Passes at a discounted cost of $30
each. This will entitle the owner entry into the show on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This pass cannot be used to admit more than one person per show. These will be available
online and at the ticket table during our dress rehearsals on April 23 and 24 only.
Ticket Sales: “At the door” full price tickets
Once RFSC Store ticket sales close (April 20) and ticket sales show-week rehearsals end (April 24), tickets will only be available for their “At the door” price.
Beginning April 21, tickets will be available at Eventbrite for the full show-day price.
Ticketing Policies
A Skater’s Pass is included in the packet you receive on Picture Day. This is to be used as admission to the dressing room area, the skaters’ seating area, or general seating.
Please note: Show skaters will not need to purchase a ticket to watch this year’s show. Parents who are bringing their skater and do not want to watch the show will be allowed downstairs without a ticket where they may watch on the TV provided in the skate change area. To watch any part of the show from the bleachers, a ticket must be purchased.
Note: If you do not get your packet at picture day, please pick it up from the RFSC office.
Volunteers working in the arena for each show (specifically lighting help, ushers, prop workers and the booth crew) will have passes to enter the seating area for that show. Other volunteers who wish to watch the show from the seating area will need to purchase tickets (including committee chairs, dressing room monitors and other volunteers).
Free Skate, Dance, Synchro and Grad Feature Skaters
contracted free skate, dance, synchro and grad feature families will receive
tickets in the information envelope they pick up on Picture Day. These tickets are $12
General Admission tickets and may be used by children, adults, or senior citizens. You are encouraged to use or sell all of these tickets. If you have more tickets than you need, you may be able to sell to other RFSC families who would like more than 12
General Admission tickets.
Each family will receive only one packet of 12
General Admission tickets.
You will be billed $144
for these tickets on your RFSC bill.
We will host a "ticket exchange" for unused General Admission tickets. The goal is to match those with extra tickets to sell with those looking to purchase additional tickets. See the Ice Show Ticket Exchange Form for details.
Additional tickets may be purchased from our
online store, at the ticket tables during the Wednesday and Thursday rehearsals of Show Week and in the RFSC office.
Please note: These are the Adult and Student/Senior tickets listed above, not General Admission tickets. Hunt Drug will also sell tickets.
We will not hold checks. Please purchase tickets as you need them. You may not return purchased tickets.
Road Trip
Ice Show programs may be ordered in advance for $12
Orders must be placed on or before Monday, April 21, 2025. Pre-sale orders will not be accepted after the due date. Ordered programs will be available for pick-up by the Thursday show week rehearsal.
To order programs . . .
Pay by credit card by ordering in our Online Store
Programs may also be purchased during show rehearsals (starting either Wednesday or Thursday) for $15
All pre-sale orders MUST include full payment. Orders received without payment will not be processed!
Once again, we will offer Meals for Skaters during our Wednesday and Thursday show week technical rehearsals.
On Wednesday, April 23 and Thursday, April 24, we will have light meals available for skaters. They include two slices of cheese or pepperoni pizza from Pasquale’s Pizza, salad, desert and a bottle of water. The cost is $8
per meal.
Order meals in our Online Store by credit card. Payment must be included with all orders. Deadline to sign up is Sunday, April 20.
Here’s where to go . . .
When: Before tech rehearsals on Wednesday, April 23 and Thursday, April 24 only
Location:Concession area on the east side of the building
Time:4:30–5:15 pm
If you need to be lined up early for opening, please make sure you have your meal early so you are ready.
The Fine Print
In order to be able to do this every year, there are some simple, common sense rules:
You must order and pay in advance so we can have enough food for everyone.
You are responsible for your own mess. If you spill, please wipe it up. Do not leave food or wrappers laying in the stands or locker rooms.
Costumes must be covered.
Your first responsibility is to be lined up on time for your number. We can’t promise that the line for food will move quickly, so please plan ahead.
PLEASE use your manners and be polite to our volunteers. We are offering this as a service to you and your parents, and we hope that it makes things easier for you.
If these rules are not followed, we will not be able to offer food for skaters in the future. We are excited to offer this to you and hope we can continue the tradition for future shows.
If you have any questions, please contact our show hospitality chair below.