The logos below are available for your use in whatever documentation or correspondence you are creating for the the show.
Don't copy a logo from one of the web pages because it won't look good! Trust me.
We also have the show letterhead as a Word document on the Templates page. Feel free to contact our geek if you have questions or need the graphics in a different format:
Tim Rinkel | Email Tim RinkelDepending on how your browser is set up these files will either download and save (check your default download area) or open in your browser. If the latter, you can save the file from there.
PDF Format:
These files are in PDF format. They are your best bet as they scale well and will look good for all types of printing. The PDFs should always be used for commercial printing if at all possile. If your software cannot import them, use the Image Format available below.
Image Format:
These files are in PNG format. They will look good on most desktop printers up to about 8 inches wide. See the contact information above if you need a larger version or different format.